Sunday, December 21, 2014

3 Remedies To Combat Vaginal Dryness

During menopause, one discomfort commonly experienced by most women is vaginal dryness. This may come with itching or pain during urination or sexual intercourse.  In reality, dryness doesn't just occur within your intimate regions but, also along the face, arms, legs, as well as the torso.

For fear that damage may arise in the sensitive part, many women opt for drug free menopause treatments to alleviate such a distressing symptom.

Additionally, there are also prescription drugs available, so you actually have a lot to choose from.

How To Combat Vaginal Dryness

1.    Massage therapy and aromatherapy - These natural therapies are best if stress is the cause of vaginal dryness.

Immediate emotional and physical relaxation is possible, since stress can be greatly reduced with a good massage. If you're very relaxed, other symptoms will naturally vanish, too.

Moreover, the oils used in aromatherapy relax your body when you add it to your bath water. These aromatic oils, when used in massage, stimulate specific regions of the brain that influence the endocrine system.

The endocrine system, along with the immune and nervous systems, secretes hormones into your bloodstream and surrounding tissues. As a result, your body relaxes, and you're kept stress-free.

2.    Over-the-counter (OTC) external lubricants – Ask your friendly salesperson about water-based lubes and creams since these are hypo-allergenic. There are also internal moisturizers and jelly, known to have a long-lasting effect.

Such products can certainly reduce the severity of your symptoms. Just to be sure, though, do your due diligence. If you think a certain product suits you, then go for it. Remember that what may be applicable to others may not be to you.

3.    Hormone therapy – Vaginal dryness is more often than not caused by the reduction in estrogen levels in your body. If your doctor says hormone therapy is okay, then a prescription of vaginal estrogen creams could be for you.

Apart from that, there are also suppositories that release estrogen little by little into your vagina over a span of 3 months. There are vaginal rings that do the same.

Your physician should be able to recommend estrogen-based products that are absolutely safe, if you have a concern about the risk of cancer.

The bottom line is, always check with your medical practitioner whether it's the natural remedy for menopause symptoms you ought to use or not.

Friday, December 19, 2014

3 Remedies To Combat Vaginal Dryness

During menopause, one discomfort commonly experienced by most women is vaginal dryness. This may come with itching or pain during urination or sexual intercourse.  In reality, dryness doesn't just occur within your intimate regions but, also along the face, arms, legs, as well as the torso.

For fear that damage may arise in the sensitive part, many women opt for drug free menopause treatments to alleviate such a distressing symptom.

Additionally, there are also prescription drugs available, so you actually have a lot to choose from.
Image from:
How To Combat Vaginal Dryness

1.    Massage therapy and aromatherapy - These natural therapies are best if stress is the cause of vaginal dryness.

Immediate emotional and physical relaxation is possible, since stress can be greatly reduced with a good massage. If you're very relaxed, other symptoms will naturally vanish, too.

Moreover, the oils used in aromatherapy relax your body when you add it to your bath water. These aromatic oils, when used in massage, stimulate specific regions of the brain that influence the endocrine system.

The endocrine system, along with the immune and nervous systems, secretes hormones into your bloodstream and surrounding tissues. As a result, your body relaxes, and you're kept stress-free.

2.    Over-the-counter (OTC) external lubricants – Ask your friendly salesperson about water-based lubes and creams since these are hypo-allergenic. There are also internal moisturizers and jelly, known to have a long-lasting effect.

Such products can certainly reduce the severity of your symptoms. Just to be sure, though, do your due diligence. If you think a certain product suits you, then go for it. Remember that what may be applicable to others may not be to you.

3.    Hormone therapy – Vaginal dryness is more often than not caused by the reduction in estrogen levels in your body. If your doctor says hormone therapy is okay, then a prescription of vaginal estrogen creams could be for you.

Apart from that, there are also suppositories that release estrogen little by little into your vagina over a span of 3 months. There are vaginal rings that do the same.

Your physician should be able to recommend estrogen-based products that are absolutely safe, if you have a concern about the risk of cancer.

The bottom line is, always check with your medical practitioner whether it's the natural remedy for menopause symptoms you ought to use or not.

Monday, December 8, 2014

3 Common Menopause Symptoms With Their Natural Remedies

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Menopause itself is not something to be scared of. It is simply a natural change women will encounter at some point in their lives. You'll know if you're at that stage when there is an absence of menstruation for 12 months. In realtuy, most women are having problems with the signs and symptoms.

According to experts, the average age for experiencing menopause is at 51. However, hormonal shifts can start earlier. That said, you should be aware of the changes brought about by menopause, as well as the drug free menopause treatments available.

1. Hot flashes. A sudden warm sensation felt all over the body that is also associated with flushing or ‘redness’ and sweating. It's a common symptom reported by those undergoing the menopausal stage, caused by declining estrogen levels and hormonal fluctuations.

One of the most effective natural remedies to relieve hot flashes is eating soy-containing food products. Today, there are tons to choose from in your local grocery store. Even soy drinks are now flavored to fit one’s taste. However, you need to avoid intake of beverages rich in caffeine and alcohol.

2. Night sweats. This symptom often causes sleeping problems and disturbances. You'll encounter episodes of profuse sweating at night time resulting to difficulty of going back to sleep. Night sweats can lead to irritability during the day, as well as daytime fatigue.

Forget about sleeping pills. Instead, you can create your own bedtime ritual. Aside from avoiding coffee or alcohol during bedtime, a cold shower and lightweight nighties can do the trick. It's about  training your body to a more positive sleeping pattern.

3. Weight Gain. It's the most dreaded situation. Due to fluctuating hormonal levels, women overeat and binge on carbohydrate-rich and sweet foods. During this phase, the body tends to store more fat, and distribution are more on the waist and abdominal area.

Nothing beats weight gain but a healthy diet. It's a choice one has to make. Increase your intake on fruits and vegetables, and try to lessen sweets and unhealthy carbs. Eating hulled barley for breakfast may help you supress your appetite better.

Aside from the above mentioned, it's also recommended to start an exercise program at least 2 or 3 times a week. Go for meditative exercises like yoga to help you achieve a deep sense of relaxation. Discover other natural remedies for menopause symptoms!